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Nicholas Prestige takes the worry out of investing!


Under Vic Nicholas personal direction as one of the industry’s accomplished and senior practitioners, at Nicholas Prestige we work from the premise that every investment property, regardless of its size or capital value, requires absolute care and attention to maximize its role in your portfolio and help you achieve your life and investment goals.


At Nicholas Prestige, we are at all times adopting and keeping abreast of the latest cutting edge technology, yet at the same time not forgetting the personal touch to improve our service to you.


Overseeing every aspect of your rental property will be a dedicated property management team with expert knowledge of the local area, purpose trained and fully conversant with the Residential Tenancies Act and changes to legislation. We provide the following:

  • Air tight condition reports along with internal photos of the properties will be kept on file.

  • Direct Debit payment system to ensure landlords receive their funds faster.

  • Periodic inspection performed three months after occupancy by the new tenants, then six monthly intervals thereafter.

  • Full written reports of periodic inspections sent to landlords after each inspection.

  • We conduct accompanied inspections, rather than handing out keys to perspective tenants.

  • Careful selection of tenants utilizing NTD (National Tenancies Database) to screen prospects thoroughly.

  • Regular rental reviews and detailed maintenance checks.

  • Comprehensive reporting and regular communication with our clients.

  • Rental income is deposited directly into your nominated bank account. Should a rent payment become overdue we will chase it up with a reminder calls, written advice and SMS messages.


At Nicholas Prestige, you can be assured that we are 100% focused on managing your investment property!

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